Knife Project tolerance

Is there a way to set the tolerance for knife project? It’s set pretty low (too much tolerance) and is constantly messing up cuts on lines that are too close together. Of course, a Google search returns every result in history for “what is the knife project tool?” Clearly, my inclusion of “tolerance” in quotes made it exceedingly obvious that was exactly what I was looking for. Except I passed that point in 2014.

This operator is cutting a mesh, following a curve object or a succession of edges, according to viewpoint.

There is no explicit tolerance setting.
But you will obtain different results according to resolution of Curve object, subdivision of edges or viewpoint chosen.

Have you tried scaling both objects up *10? Then Cut, and scale 0.1 back down.

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Thank you - now I can stop looking for a solution that way.

Thanks for the reply. This appears to be one of those situations where “I’m sure I have,” but I can’t remember specifically so I’ll have to try it again." I remember discussing issues on this as well in the past in here - there is drift that comes into play when I go too large; it is counterintuitive that it occurs; logic says the larger the scale, the higher precision on float values representing location but in reality it doesn’t work that way (unfortunately). The way IEEE floating point values work, a given bit is 1 if set; bits lower than that are representative of .5, .25, .125, etc. Everything is added together for a total so at the very best you’re getting an approximation. Any given bits representing the decimal location are purely interpretive on the part of the software. So the overall precision in play doesn’t change with increased scale - you still only have x number of bits representing the overall coordinates and when the scale goes up, the decimal position shifts but you don’t get more precision to the right of the decimal because of this. Rob Peter to pay Paul. When values to the left of the decimal increase, they do so by reducing the precision to the right of the decimal so larger scale introduces more drift. If you’re so motivated, try it. It doesn’t seem fair but it’s how the hardware and the specs were designed; there is little the Blender developers can do about it.