Knife Projection skipping vertices in complex mesh?


I am trying to use knife projection to cut a somewhat complex shape out of a mesh. Knife projection works fine for me if I use a simple shape such as a circle or square as the cutting piece, but not when using a more complex shape. The receiving mesh is just a square plane that has been subdivided.

As you can see in the attached screenshot, the vertices created by knife project on the square plane are pretty close to the original cutting mesh, but it seems as if it skipped/simplified some of the vertices of the cutting mesh. I am using orthographic view mode during the knife projection.

I have attached an example .blend which includes the setup (but not the results of the knife cut) in case you wanted to try it yourself. This is a simplified example of what I am trying to do. I’m actually trying to do this with a complex shape much larger than this but I am having the same problem everywhere. The cutting shape is an import from ArcGIS / CAD, which is why I can’t just model the reverse in Blender.

Knife_Projection_Question.blend (463 KB)

Thanks for any help on this. I tried searching the forum but did not find anyone with my exact problem.


I don’t see any difference between the original and the result from knife project

Try using the current version of blender


Thanks for the quick reply. I was using v2.76, so I just tried upgrading to v2.77. I was surprised to see that it is much improved, although if I zoom in I can still see many spots that are slightly off, please see the attached screenshot of the top left corner. If you zoom in before moving the cutting mesh, do you see the same thing? It doesn’t seem to be missing vertices now, but some of them are offset.


Alright I seem to have figured out the problem, mostly by accident. If you zoom in real close before clicking knife project it seems to mostly solve the issue. Conversely, if you are zoomed out pretty far when you knife project, it ends up being off, with it being more messed up the further out you are.