Knife tool - infinity slice?

Hi Guys,

I am coming from Modo and we are now fully shifting to Blender. I have a quick question about the knife tool and a Modo feature we have not been able to replicate:

I modo I have a “Slice tool” that just has a starting and an end point as a gizmo and it has an option for infinity slice. So i can just arrange that and it will slice any selected object in the scene that comes in its way. This will go through across any topology etc.
Here is a small video showing the functionality
(Just saw that this video from a really ancient version of modo where the infinity aspect was not enabled - it basically just extends the cutting plant into infity on both sides)

Is there any way (nativly or with an addon) do to something like this in Blender?

Thanks and all the best,

There is no function that works the same way.
However, the cutting function is the same.
Take a closer look at the videos and manuals.

Knife Topology Tool - Blender 4.2 Manual

※ Some Addons might work the same way. (I haven’t checked if they have the same functionality)

The Bisect tool can do something similar… but you have to select all objects first, then go into edit mode and select all edges (to bisect) and then draw a bisecting line and then can slide the bisecting plane. So: natively not as advanced as in Modo.

Some hard surface addons may also have such a feature… and there was this (which still seem to work for 3.6 did something wrong before…):

…but there is also: the (native) boolean modifier and the (shipped with) Bool Tool addon :wink:

Thanks a lot @Okidoki and @oo_1942. Funtionality wise these both seem to work - great. But I dont seem to be able to use a 2nd mesh as snapping reference for my cut.

I have an architectural drawing and want to use the underlying drawing to snap my cuts to. But for cut and bisect tool it seems to only snap to itself not to another mesh.

One more try to illustrate the problem:

When I am using Cut/Bisect tool on the selectd Suzanna(green arrow) and then try my cursor hovers over the unselected one (red arrow) in the forground and I want to use it as cutting reference it just gets ignored. Even though my snapping settings are set in a way to include non selected item.

Hmm… i might do not get the reason why to snap to some points here but yes… this seems to not work…

…but as i edited: the mentioned addon does work… (at least for 3.6) and you can snapethe plane to wahtever you want…

Will check that - thanks a lot!