Kroot | 40kWarhammer

Hi! I forgot about this project and me thinks its done. Anyway, heres the WIP

and here you go.



Can’t critique organic stuff
But that looks seriously good to me

Sweet, Beautiful close up shots. Maybe you can teach me a lil about texturing huh???

Thanks guys!
What I can say is, a good UV map is a good place to start!

Dude this is AWESOME!!! Keep it up!

still looks cool, but what I find most impressive is that there seems to be no odd deformations anywhere. Well, in your WIP thread there was one image where the upper and lowerleg intersected when he was crouched down extreme, but still, he has clothing and muscles and all. How did you rig this?

ps, the materials look better now too.

My armature setup is really quite simple…No special stuff, not even a change of bone figure…What I use is an IK from the shin to the foot and another one from the thigh to a knee target bone, the others are auto IK’ed.

For the good deformations, trial and error with weight painting.

Hope this explains it?


I just noticed, FOUR STARS?!?! Thanks guys! The last one had only three wehehe. I leveled up!

hey! must have posted before the update :smiley: I see FIVE stars!