La Jetée-Promenade, Nice

When I saw an old photograph of this building I knew that I wanted to build it in Blender ;). I searched the photograph and found out that it that it showed the Jetée-Promenade in Nice, Southern France. The building existed between 1882 and 1944. Unfortunately, it changed its form often such that it differs on the pictures I found. My reconstruction is a compromise (I am interested in history but not a historian).

I used Blender 3.4, Cycles, 64 samples. It is made up of more than 4 million faces and more than 21,000 objects. It rendered on the RTX 3050Ti in 2.5 minutes. I assume that this was possible because I only used procedural materials with some small exceptions. The ocean modifier uses 32 steps, and the HDRI has 2k resolution.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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