Lamborghini Huracan

Well done sir!!! She’s so sexy :slight_smile:

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PS can i ask where you got that backdrop or what you used as a base. I really like and want to see how my shelby cobra model holds up in that image :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:
Here is the HDRI with many backdrops. There is also second version of this HDRI.

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Ah okay, i already know that one. Thanks for giving the link and info, hope you dont mind. I think ill only do testing.

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Thanks. I am not very good at compositing. I couldn’t find a way to blur the shadows without affecting the car model and the mask. :frowning:

I took this photo for m reference:

No problem. :slight_smile:

This is some fine, fine work here.

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Thanks, jeremiah!

OMG 3D porn! :heart_eyes:

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Don’t worry about it i’m just grasping straws here give constructive feedback :sweat_smile:

Wow, the effect I described is actually present in your reference! It’s more subtle than I expected but it’s there. :open_mouth:

Depending on the way you’ve setup your scene there are couple of routes here:

Probably most simple way would be just by making the sun shadow slightly softer. It makes it blur in both x and y direction but you’d probably would get away with it.

Another more complicated way would require an access to the shadow separated from the rest of the rendering so it could be distorted in post processing.

And finally probably insane route would be by using a micro displacement map to the shadow catcher and moving it fast enough to actually create the effect “naturally”.

But in the end considering that the effect varies in real life a lot depending on the road surface flatness and the effect is quite subtle i’m not sure if it’s worth the trouble unless you really want to experiment and take things to eleven.

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And I got so curious that I actually had to test the probably insane method myself.

The road displacement is bit exaggerated for the sake of making clear results. Sun size is set to 0.005 and only Shadow Catcher and Displacement node are being altered:

The wild thing is that it actually works!

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Amazing model!:+1:
I would love to see how the surface quality is with some reflections!

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I would love to know how to get the mask of the shadow only. Since the lighting source is only the HDRI.

I have used micro-displacement map on the shadow catcher. I think the strength is too low.

Thank you. Here you can find some reflections. Due to the shape of the car itself, I figured a more matte finish would look better. I was going for a reflecting material before.

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Thank you, Richie!

This is the real fines. Very clean polys!

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