Hey guys here is the most recent scene I’m working on and I’d like to have some feedback, maybe there’s a way to improve paint shader?
This scene has 801 samples, and most lights are emission planes with some kind of gradients to catch reflections.
Hope you like it. By the way thanks for watching!
That’s quite the lens there, maybe dial that in a bit so we can see what is going on with the car itself.
If you wanna keep the dramatic distortion, I’d add in something to the background, the solid black makes the distorted viewport even more noticable.
The paint shader does look a little too metallic, it almost has a delorean brushed stainless look to it.
Hey there, thanks for the feedback, I’ve decided to try another backgrounds, here is one I’ll start retouching, I also add the “discovery” front letters, change the paint material, and fixed tire reflectivity.
Looks much better, Though it seems a little bright, especially inside the car itself.
Hey there ,
First, may I see the wires for the car , although it looks clean, but i’m curious
As for the render, the interior is a bit too bright, since the position (rotation, inside blender) of the sun is on the back of the car, the interior should be way darker, and we still should see some shadows of the car on the ground (not just that ambiant oclusion effect)
since this is an SUV type of car, you might aswell try a different camera angle to better showcase the volume of the car, it should take a bigger chunk of the final render,
here is an exemple of a picture which sums up what i said :
Here are the wires of the vehicle:
I was thinking about the interior lighting, the main reason for that was the lightpath node I used to avoid shadows from the glass, I forgot to adjust it.
I agree with you, the shadows from the light behind are missing, I just matte the background to make it more interesting but I forgot to adjust the shadows.
Thanks for the advice
Wooow! Really nice! I love this camera angle!
yay, as i said, the model is clean, that’s nice
hum, was that your final render ?
I’m going to make some changes and make another render. Then I’ll move to another model.
looking foreward to it