Landing gear animation question

Hi everyone. Been hanging around for awhile just trying to read and learn blender the past few months. Finally I have arrived at the point where I can’t seem to find a quick way to animate my landing gear. My goal is to be able to “rig” it so that I can just grab an empty(or whatever) and pull it down, and the gear will extend the way the second pic shows. I’m sure there’s an easy way to do this but my knowledge is a bit slim on the issue. obviously right:rolleyes:

Anyway, I’ve tried a few things with hooking and parenting, with armatures, without armatures, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t know how to do it without having to move each individual part. If there are any oppinons out there, I’d love to hear them. Thanks.



You can do it with an Ik solver. I rigged up a quick example. Move the selected “Wheel” bone and let me know if that’s what you’re looking for.


GearExample.blend (185 KB)

Awesome. Thanks Asano. I knew it had to be something simple. Just not quiet there on the knowledge yet. Now is there a way to make sure it only extends a certain distance? I’ll play around with it try to figure it out. And I’ll read up on the IK solver thing and see if that’s the answer to retracting the gear into the body of the aircraft as well.

Thanks again.:slight_smile:


No problem.
If you look at the wheel bone, you’ll see that I slapped on a limit location restraint so you couldn’t move it except on the axis you need to. If you want to limit it to moving only a certain distance, then just select the ‘minY’ and ‘maxY’ buttons and input the min and max distance you want it to be able to move.

For my example, a good number would be minY = -.23 maxY = .69