Landmaster truck

This is the Landmaster from the 1977 film Damnation Alley.
I’m pleased with the way this one turned out, and that I figured out how to do tyre tracks with dynamic paint. That’s a first for me.
Always interested to hear what folk think, be it good or bad. Thanks for looking.

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I like the color theme. On another note, did you intend the ground to have the pixelated/cell-shading look?

Thanks. I ran the finished render through Gimp for some colour correction and merged a couple of different layers to get the final colour theme. It’s probably just the way I do things but most of the renders I do in Blender tend to look rather over saturated, so I like to use Gimp to sort it out.

The ground wasn’t supposed to look pixelated. Cheers for pointing that out. I will have another look at it and see what I can do to fix it.