Lane Close: "Enjoy Detours"

The road ahead comes with its twists and turns.

Being bitter about the delays is easy.

We hunger for our destination.

And we get wrapped up in getting there.

There’s always something.

Wrong turns.

Missed exits.

Blocked paths.

They all carry us off our main course.

Lane Close Rotate GIF

But only if we allow it.

Choose your view when the road chews at you.

Enjoy the detours.

And find joy in getting lost.

Lane Close is a 3D-printed, literal figure of speech.

It’s one of many Artickles (art tickles) I’ve created.

Each character is an invitation to see things from a different perspective.

And an opportunity to say, “It is what it is.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you! Have a great weekend yourself!

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