Hey guys here is a laptop that I have been working on for awhile! It based off of my own laptop. I would model some of it then look at my computer then model some more! It was really fun to make. I learned some new tools and other things that will definitely help in future projects! Hope you like! If you have suggestions be sure to leave them in the comments!
Not bad, but the screen is a bit too bright.
Hmm ok I’ll change that sometime.
Dude that’s really realistic!
Looks great, including the screen.
Where can I buy one?
I think you have to ehnance the lighting, to pronounce the edges more.
Thanks everyone for the replies! I will try your suggestion sometime downfall61!
the only thing I’m missing on this picture is the on-button XD
but still, very nice!
You can see the on button in the first image in the right corner of the laptop!