Well I spent a little time fooling around with some effects, and i figured out how to make a decent laser bolt … it would work as a lightsaber blade as well; I just would have to import it into another file and work with it that way. Anyhow … any critiques, be my guest … I’d like to make it look even better.
It wasn’t particle effects, sorry to dissappoint. I used the ‘glow’ effect; it was decently easy. I just had a white rod and a green rod surrounding it, and set them both to use glow effects.
Oh, and I rendered it with yafray too … it looks like this.
ah. i guess i was wrong. still, i like my waay better because as far as i know i cannot make glowing objects go behind non glowing objects. still a good technique though.
open blender add a cylender and rotate it until its in the same pose as kenbert’s go to the top of the blender window where it says SCR:2-model click on that and from the drop down menu go to sequence and click on it.
at the vedio sequence editing bar click Add-Scene then Add-effect-glow
now press N and fiddle with the buttons and click on the Video sequence editing window when ever you change something