i’m trying to lasso select objects but the centers of the objects are in the origin.
so i can only lasso select the objects if i make a lasso selection around the center which results in selecting all objects.
is there a way to make lasso select react to the object instead of the center point somehow?
Well I don’t know a way. The docs specifically say:
"Lasso only selects objects where the lasso region intersects the objects’ center. "
Assuming you really need to keep the object centers together, you’ll probably have to use
shift-right-click selection on each object in turn. Or maybe ‘a’ select all, then deselect any
you don’t need?
It might also help to move objects to other layers.
Yeah, as Grey stated this is unfortunately the way it has been designed.
However I think it is safe to say that this is probably an oversight - especially since in edit mode the lasso tool does not require to go over the center of a face to select it. I think there should be an option in user preferences to chose wether or not the lasso should go over the center of an object to select it or not.