Last night of the carnival

Good day! I’m proud to present my most complex scene to date. Everything modeled & textured by me. :grin:
Blender+cycles / Sbs painter / Photoshop

More here:


nice work ,amazing !!!

One suggestion I’d make is that “the human eye always goes to the brightest and most-contrasty part of the picture, and wants to make a circular path through the scene back to where it started.” Right now, instead our eyes go “Whoo-o-o-oosh!” right out of the frame and up into the sky. There are several nearly-opaque black areas in the foreground, etc.

The modeling is superb, as is the concept and setting, but the lighting needs work, as a “histogram” display would show.

Nice modeling and great mood!

Yes I definitely agree. The raw render, especially on the day setting, turned out to be very mundane and I didn’t want to wait another 23 hours to render a new one, so I tried to make it more vibrant and exciting in post by blowing out the sky to bring contrast to the image. From compositional standpoint it doesn’t work so well tho

You’re #featured!

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This is amazingly beautiful. :slight_smile:

Cheers Bart! :blush:

Nice :clap:


Very pretty!

I’ve featured you on BlenderNation, enjoy :slight_smile:

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Amazing Lighting and scene composition!!