Late Metal Music Video

Happy to share with the community one of my latest work with Thomas ROUSSEL on his Musical piece “LATE METAL”
All made in blender with geometry nodes, rendered in Cycles.

‘When Albin shared his video project about LATE METAL with me, I couldn’t have been happier.
I have admired his work for many years.
We didn’t need to align ourselves with common references since his inspirations were in line with mine when I composed LATE METAL: a substance capable of distorting spacetime, dark matter, black holes, gravitational waves !
I greatly appreciate his graphical explorations, like the mirrors of James Webb, searching for the key to our universe. Bravo and thank you, Albin, for this poetic reinterpretation !’
Thomas Roussel

‘Where freezing cold and solar heat are shaping lost and yet to be discovered substances, we are drifting full of hope in the unknown universe.
Free from our earth time reality, We are exploring sources of gravity, light and matter.
Surrounded by, sometimes the light of a scientific research lab, sometimes the bended lights of our far away cosmic journey.
With Thomas, we share a strong passion for space exploration and univers marvel waiting to be discovered.
This project finds its inspiration directly in Thomas’s musical piece, mixing mathematical and procedural process with creative desire.’
Albin Merle


Fantastic animation. It works perfectly with the music. Congratulation.

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Just awesome @albin_merle the lighting is the coolest

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Of course the animation is stunning.

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