Well since I do all my work mostly at night, i figured i’d incorporate that into my personal website header. So far, this is all I have, I may add other stuff later, but I’m just worried about the lighting atm. C&C is appreciated
P.S. The coffee cup may have a saucer later, but definately will have moving liquid. This will also be part of an animated flash intro to my site.
Actually, I think there is alot to comment on here.
I like the composition of this piece. I don’t know if it was intentional, but the fact that none of the objects are in the exact center is a very good thing. The use of negative space is, imo, just right. A strong compositional element is that the shadow, at least, carries out of the picture plane. Personally, I think the monochromatic touch is a good one.
The modelling looks good, with the exception of the obviously unfinished music player. The lighting in the scene is pretty good, though I am wondering what the specular highlight on the shadow side of the cup is about.
Over all, nice work.
Actually that specular highlight wasn’t intentional. I just added a fill light to the scene. The strength of the light will be different when textures are added. Also, that isn’t a music player (though thanks for the idea, I’m gonna add an iPod now :D) it’s a box, which will soon be textured to represent the retail box of Adobe Photoshop CS 2
Here’s a new render, I’m testing a few HDRI images. I’ll upload the others shortly.
Ok I dunno what happened, this looks really wierd. Can someone tell me what went wrong, seeing as i’m not skilled in HDRI rendering.
P.S. I do have the 3 point lighting system in there too!
I removed the other lights, but no difference, just a little darker! Any solution?