Latest BfBlender CVS...Softbody!

Oooooooo jeez. Ive been experimenting with Poser’s Dynamic items for a while now…and now this!!

I wish I had time to sit down and study it.

Blender is just about the best thing Ive found on the internet since…well…ever…LOL

I think I was babbling there. Sorry.
The latest BfB build institutes a new system called SoftBody for clothing and other uses.


it’s preprepreprepreprepreprepre-alpha-alfita-dot-zeroezrozerozero-one…

but yeah, it’s there :wink:


it’s preprepreprepreprepreprepre-alpha-alfita-dot-zeroezrozerozero-one…

I think you forgot a pre :wink:

LOL yeah I know. The buttons are even hidden. Cant say I blame the dev team. LOL