Latest Black Hole render

This is my latest black hole render (fifth .blend), simulating the gravitational lensing with 256 refraction shader spheres, with the ior falling off according to the derivative of Newton’s Law of Gravitation.
Much more accurate than the first one imo
I think the stars here look a bit grey, might fix that later
took a long time to render, I halted it manually at about thirty samples

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That lensing effect looks cool. :sunglasses:

I like the colors here more, compared to your first version, but think the wider accretion disk on that one worked better.

Nice work. :ok_hand:

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Thanks for the feedback, I’ll keep it in mind for the next one!

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This does not seem like quite the place to debate black holes but…

^Actual images of black holes

Responses to statements in your post

Well thank goodness this is an art forum ;-;

We would not be able to do so accurately, but we are allowed to discuss black holes so that’s not an issue here

honestly, I can imagine why you got banned there

[I am an engineer, math does not scare me]

Please stop trying to argue that the object which I am trying to depict does not exist, because A) It does and B) Making art of things that don’t exist is still cool

I’d recommend you go read at least the wikipedia article on black holes, it’s not too in-depth but at least you’ll be able to understand the concept

@JonathanBain this is not the place for the debate you want to have. Please keep replies focused on the artistic qualities of the artwork, thanks :slight_smile:

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Oh thank you haha

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