Latest Development for Fluid Designer

@kilon and all other blender users.
It is a very unfortunate project.
Better into our topics now.

Looks like you managed to race blender to the goal of creating a marketplace/repository for official and community assets. Or at least get closer to that goal.
Is that truly a part of your software’s business model? Or is it purely for architectural visualizations? The website doesnt seem to open for some reason.

I hope you have a healthy relationship between open source and closed source here- rather than a dispute. What you’ve done is great. People like it. Its a bit unfair to see it steal blender’s thunder like that - without a mention though. It will be a nice gesture to include a link to BF at least. Are you partners or competition? This must be quite an awkward relationship to establish given the circumstances.

But if i read some of the posts in the first page- the author of this software would like to contribute back to blender. Can we confirm that?

Edit: Sorry I am in a confusion here. The original post video does mention blender. The link Ton retweeted did not give credit to blender.
So this is not a proprietary plugin. Its custom build, right?
How much would it cost to buy it. What platforms?

There is enough interest- make them available please. The smart objects as an object type alone are quite an awesome idea. The asset manager. This is brilliant work!

How hard is it to design a smart object? How do you share them between blender projects? I have so many questions right now! :smiley:

I was never off topic, we talk about the same software , no ?

Is there a link to the software itself ?

Of course you were not off topic, I was just saying to forget unfortunate apps and go further.
The You tube and the site have been removed by the user now. Weird.
I hope it wasn’t a joke.

I hope we did not scare him away, I really like what I saw.

From Microvellumsupport operator:
“We are preparing for a beta release of the product mid to end of february. We will be releasing a few new videos this week that will give you more insight on the product… explaining how we are using Blender as the foundation.”

“we are working out the details of the pricing now…details on how the pricing will work will be released with the beta.”

“we will be releasing an official signup form for beta testers this week… stay tuned.
be sure to follow us on Fb and watch the blender sights and our Youtube channel for more videos”

On the Microvellum Fluid Design page, it states Blender and gives a link.

Still, I’m trying to understand the connection between Andrew Peel and his Blender demonstration video and the one that Microvellum deleted from their YouTube account. I would like to have this type of technology for architectural work but not as a high-paid software separate from Blender. As an add-on, sure.

They just added this I think, which is nice. Not 100% sure though.

I think it is quite nicely put now: "“Using Blender technology as the design engine, Microvellum Fluid Designer enables you (…)” – or?

Didn’t see any video yet as the one on their website was deleted but sounds interesting.


Thanks. If they did add that information recently, it could be due to the fact that their YouTube page was flooded with Blender comments. Either way, my interest is still piqued but it’s left a bitter impression on me. Perhaps the OP will show up with more news about his video and why he decided to show it if it’s not planned to become an actual Blender feature but instead a Microvellum product. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to show it at all.

Oh dear, will the rabid Blender community scare away another potential developer…

Oh no i m late i didn’t see it. I will do this in unison with the community, Whoa great improvement of Blender that didn’t see!

Ugh. This has become a mess. At the very least wait for them to release anything before complaining about GPL compliance…

You became a troll, keep it this way.
Have you read Ton’s post? Or just keep trolling?
This became a mess indeed, but it is not our fault.

edit: apparently I´m a troll, so I´m removing myself from this thread. The immaculate, all wonderful Michalis has spoken, all bow in his presence!

but at the end, u have to use blender tools if you want call somthing ur own.
and by the way cycles look great and fast.

Of course you are the troll, BrillintApe.
I just watched a video in Youtube which stopped by the user.
This is the only fact I know.
The link to the site also sopped working. Another fact
What came next is irrelevant.
I don’t have to read everything. I didn’t come here for trolling after all.
I think the moderators should lock this thread right now.

I had too much.
The only I can say is that this application is unfortunate.

Two videos essentially about the same product, one got it right and the other didn’t. Ton puts it succinctly with his locked and unlocked metaphor.

See these pages for further information about licensing

I would also mention that Andrew Peel explicitly mentioned Blender and the community in his video. Hopefully Ton can establish some communication with the company involved and turn this into a win win situation.

This thread sure has exploded, it seems like we’re seeing (again) trying to initiate a mob mentality to trash a guy into submission over a perceived grievance against either them or the Blender software. This is something that we cannot definitively prove at this point and we must wait and see on how the company’s plans pan out.

To point out here, the community will have no one to blame but itself if it was decided that the developer is not going to contribute any code to general Blender development, because of a perception that one might get from various threads that the community employs a hatred of civil discussion.

Go ahead and label me as a troublemaker then for not joining in on the bashing, I guess it really is true that those that choose to walk about the mud are often seen with contempt by those who are chest deep in it.

I don’t do interior design with Blender but I see the potential of this asset management system. Please e-mail the developers at [email protected], they’ll sure be interested since an asset management system is in the works already (or only planned yet, I’m not sure).