Lattice not editable


I created a scene in which a lattice was added. I wanted to edit the lattice to influence the shape of some other mesh in the scene. the problem is that I’m unable to select lattice vertices in edit mode. pressing A selects all the vertices. But I want certain specific vertices to be modified to change the shape. I’m unable to select individual vertices. kindly guide me what could be wrong? I was doing it in BL 3.4, and this works perfectly in a new scene.

Please help

Thank YOu

First make sure you’re in Object mode, and not in Local View. In the Lattice Modifier there’s a button labeled Edit Lattice. What happens when you mash it?

A lattice is another object type.
If when you press A, all vertices of sphere are selected : it is not the right object that is in edit mode.

Multi-object editing is supported by type.
Several meshes can be in edit mode, simultaneously.
Several armatures can be in edit mode, simultaneously.
Several lattices can be in edit mode, simultaneously.

But a lattice and a mesh can not be in edit mode, simultaneously.
If you see sphere vertices : sphere is in edit mode. Lattice is not.
You have to make lattice object active object, before passing in edit mode.

No. There is no such button in modifier, unless you are using a dedicated addon that creates it.

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My bad. It is indeed the handy Modifier List addon. I retract that bit of my response and amend it to:

Select the lattice object and switch to edit mode.

Thank you for the response. I’ll check and get back with update


I’m Sharing the blend file.

Kindly support me by guiding me whether there is any settings to be changed for editing the lattice

Thanks a lot

Thats weird… if i add an Lattice this is nor editable… if i load you file with LoadGUI disabled (cogwheel icon top-right in FileView) then the Lattice.001 is editable… ??

Oh it seems to be the clipping… View Region → Clipping also influences the selectability in edit mode ??

Another thing with your file…you did not add the lattice Modifier to any object as I could see…I added one to Dummy and things work fine…

thank you for the response.
Can you please make it clear how you did it in the file?
Then it will be a great help for me.
As you said it rightly, I did not added this lattice to any object.
I was just trying to reshape it, but it was not working.

Thank You


  1. Select the object …Add Lattice ( Shift+A >Lattice)
  2. Adjust to fit the object, centered, etc.

    Your scene (I just hid everything but the Dummy)

2.5 …Now is a good time to subdivide the mesh for smooth deformations with the lattice…and make sure to add any vertex groups either all in this case or sometimes just a section in others…

  1. With the object selected ( not the lattice )…ADD a Lattice Modifier…
  2. Set the object in the modifier to the Lattice you added…set the vertex group.
  3. select the Lattice and enter edit mode, set to vertex edit…grab some and move them…

lATTICE BathFILE.blend (2.9 MB) Blender 3.3File

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Yes. The principle is : is selectable only what is visible.

Lattice is outside clipped region. So, it is invisible in Solid mode and not selectable.
EEVEE used in Material Preview mode is ignoring clipping.
It is only supported by Workbench in Wireframe and Solid mode.
There is an inconsistency of UI, here.
What is working for EEVEE and Cycles is Render Region operator.
An option to synchronize both would be welcomed.
Or selection in Material Preview and Render Preview mode should ignore clipping region.

thank you very much for the response.
thank you for spending time for me.

I’ll try this way