Hey all, something I do fairly often in Max and Maya is use a simple 2 x 2 lattice to move a set of points on an angle or adjust the angle on a group of faces. Here’s a quick video showing what I mean.
Right now the only way I see to do this is to create a lattice, move it to the point, then use the lattice defomer and go about it that way. Pretty long winded for a quick operation.
I would use looptools - gstretch to make them align in cases like this (and it will flatten them too). This tool is not really designed for this, but i guess it’s a nice side effect.
But you shouldn’t have annotation in your scene probably. Otherwise it would snap to it.
The action at 0.42 of the video can be done with Blender tools: add new transform orientation for the slide direction, set pivot/center to active element, select all vertices to be moved, select the reference one (the one that doesn’t move) last so it’s the active vertex, then scale to zero on the slide axis.
The links point to manual pages that aren’t ready for Blender 2.80, but will still give you an overview. In 2.80, the dropdowns for transform orientation and pivot are at the top of the 3d view in the center:
you can just use a loopcut aligned to one side, if you’re not worried about topology changes. If that is a problem, I’d begin by scaling them on a custom axis (aligned between first and last vertex) and then shear the entire row until reaching desired angle.
I’m in the same boat, mate. Just picking up 2.80 in the last few months when I have free time, but it’s been enjoyable and a smooth learning curve once I figured out a few vital concepts in Blender that are different to Max.
I’m using SimpleLattice for fast Lattice assignment, but I don’t think it works on sub-object / Edit Mode selections. Would be a nice upgrade of the add-on.