I’m folowing this tutorial on tracking, but when I get to the part of compositing I get stuck, as my render layer is not showing up over my movie clip. The image shows fine in the default view with the movie as background image, but for some reason I can’t get it to render. In my blendfile I used a crappy robot, but a cube or anything just won’t show up. I tried googling, but I guess my problem is too simple and just falls out of the limits of my ability to think logically withing blender, so I was hoping you guys could point out where I go wrong…
You have movie strip in the video sequence editor and Blender skips the scene and compositor because of that.
Both compositing and sequencer are post-processing steps, and you would have to use scene strip in the VSE to get the scene rendered. Similarly, if you don’t include render layer node in the compositor, it will skip rendering the scene.
Either remove strips from VSE, or disable sequencer from the render properties
Just a quick addition; I’ve been fooling around with it for about 3 hours now, I can’t find anything that could cause the problem. It seems to be something with the layer though, as no new objects (basic cube/sphere) show up on the render or render layer. Anybody? I have a feeling I’m missing something supersimple here and it’s driving me close to insane haha
Disregard that last post, you, sir, are my hero. As I suspected it was indeed something simple, thank you so much for saving my sanity!!! And thank you for the upload tips!
Okay, sorry for this, but when I render the scene the render layer in the above settings the render layer background is all black, even though I turned the environment in the layer off. When I switch to blender render the layer seems to do fine but the materials are done in cycles so everything is all wrong in blender render… Is this even possible in cycles?
[EDIT] Nevermind, I was so fed up with googling the last problem that I totally forgot it still has some answers, render->film->transparent for who’s wondering. THanks again!