Lazy Weight Tool

I have not created a video that explains how to use the Lazy Weight Tool for beginners.

For the Set Weight function, the link below may be helpful.
It’s a 3ds Max video, but it’s similar in usage because it’s the tool that inspired the idea.

3ds Max Speed Tips --06: Lazy Skinning and Binding --YouTube

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Hello ! Thank you so very much for your very kind reply. OK, I will certainly have a look at the video you suggested, perhaps it will give me some ideas.



In the previously shared 3ds Max Speed Tips" Youtube, I love how at 20 seconds into the video, Aaron says how he’s going to show us how to “…quickly, easily and lazily bind your meshes.” All these years, and the fundamentals haven’t changed too much. :wink:

Skinning is certainly an art… and your tools makes it more enjoyable in Blender.

@Bookyakuno Just dropped in to say that I bought Lazy Weight Tool recently, as I was tasked with rigging/skinning/weighting the most complicated, multi-component, asymmetrical character I’ve ever encountered (I’m not an animator!). I was looking at Blender’s built-in weight painting tools, which I’m fairly comfortable with, and just shaking my head in doubt - it would’ve taken me forever. So I went searching for a saviour and found Lazy Weight Tool in my wishlist… it really pulled me out of the fire on this project and allowed me to overcome a pretty nightmarish (to me) challenge. I still don’t know how to fully use it (everyone asks for proper documentation, and I must agree!), but it was just intuitive enough for me to get by. To me, this is really a must-have essential plugin for Blender now - thanks for continually developing it.


Hi there @Bookyakuno. I am currently enjoying using this Add-on. Very Handy to monitor the Vertex weight. As I currently using Blender 3.6. There’s an issue when I Set the weight of the vertex, the normalize on the mirror is nothing working. And there’s a bug when I adjust the value in the Weight Table using the mouse.

[ver1.9.74 Update] Bug fix

Fixed the problem that the mirror vertices are not normalized, and the problem that the mouse drag of the value in the weight table in Blender 3.6 is not done well.


Font size setting for vertex index display

Added font size setting for vertex index display in add-on settings.

Auto switch active VG for multiple selected objects option

When switching the active vertex group in the set weight function or in the 3 column vertex group menu, it
will automatically switch the active vertex group of all selected objects to the same vertex group.
This only works in edit mode with multiple object selection.

It is convenient when you want to edit the weight of parts that are separated into objects.

Enabled by default.

Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where mirror vertices were not normalized.
    • (Added a process to temporarily select only the mirror vertices and then execute the normalize operator)
  • In Blender3.6, fixed the problem that the operator panel menu kept giving console error.
    • It was probably caused by the [Modify Transformation] operator, which was deprecated in Blender 3.6.

Measures for the problem that the mouse drag of the value in the weight table does not work well

Since Blender 3.6, there was a problem that mouse dragging of values ​​in the weight table did not work well.
It turns out that for some reason this happens when there is an active vertex.

We didn’t find a solution to the problem, so we added the ability to have no active vertices as a compromise.

[Allow editing by mouse drag] function

Fixed the problem that values ​​cannot be edited by mouse dragging when there is an active vertex in Blender 3.6 or later.
(leave no active vertices)

You must select Run every time.

By the way, if you use box selection or circle selection, you can select without generating active vertices.


Thank you for your bug report.
Fixed the mirror normalization issue.
Please check the new version added to the sales site.

Regarding the problem that the mouse drag of the weight table value does not work well,
Unfortunately I couldn’t find a solution to this problem, so I added a compromise solution.

Strange, but since Blender 3.6 it seems to be a problem when vertex information (not only weight but also transform and bevel weight) is made a menu.
(Blender 3.5 or earlier does not cause problems)

Hi there. I’m not sure if this is a recent error, but I don’t recall seeing it before and have been doing work that requires me monitoring the terminal regularly, and have been using the tool for the past 1-2+ years

This is the issue:

 File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\lazy_weight_tool\ui\", line 195, in draw
  File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\lazy_weight_tool\ui\", line 59, in ui_3column_vg
  File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\lazy_weight_tool\ui\", line 171, in ui_3column_vg_main
  File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\lazy_weight_tool\ui\", line 298, in draw_column_vgroup
    if not vgroup.index in use_vg_r:
NameError: name 'use_vg_r' is not defined. Did you mean: 'use_vg_l'?

Thank you for reporting the bug!

This seems to be an issue where the vertex group list in the right column is not displayed when the “Hide Empty Vertex Group” option is enabled in the 3-column vertex group menu.
This is a bug and I will fix it.

ver1.9.75 Small bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the vertex group list in the right column was not displayed when the “Hide Empty Vertex Group” option was enabled in the 3-column vertex group menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the column would disappear if there was no search target in the search filter of the 3 column vertex group menu.

Happy to help! :handshake:
Thank you for addressing this so quickly.

Hi there, I am using Blender 4.1
I got this error below while setting the value of the weight with checked Symmetry X-Axis and Mirror Vertex Group.

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zaqraven/.config/blender/4.1/scripts/addons/lazy_weight_tool/op/", line 91, in invoke
    return self.execute(context)
  File "/home/zaqraven/.config/blender/4.1/scripts/addons/lazy_weight_tool/op/", line 198, in execute
    self.weight_normalize(v_all, v_index_l, True)
  File "/home/zaqraven/.config/blender/4.1/scripts/addons/lazy_weight_tool/op/", line 330, in weight_normalize
    np_old_sel = np.zeros(len(v_all), dtype=np.bool)
  File "/home/zaqraven/Blender-4.1/4.1/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/", line 305, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(__former_attrs__[attr])
AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'.
`np.bool` was a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`. To avoid this error in existing code, use `bool` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.bool_` here.
The aliases was originally deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance see the original release note at: Did you mean: 'bool_'?

Thank you for reporting the bug.
I have added the corrected file, please check it.

Lazy Weight Tool ver1.9.82

Fixed an issue where an error would occur if the X mirror and normalization options were enabled in Blender 4.1.


Thanks for the response and fixes.

But there’s error occurred again.
When clicking ‘Allow editing by mouse dragging’ got this error:

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zaqraven/.config/blender/4.1/scripts/addons/lazy_weight_tool/op/", line 43, in execute
    np_old_sel = np.zeros(len(v_all), dtype=np.bool)
  File "/home/zaqraven/Blender-4.1/4.1/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/", line 305, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(__former_attrs__[attr])
AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'.
`np.bool` was a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`. To avoid this error in existing code, use `bool` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.bool_` here.
The aliases was originally deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance see the original release note at: Did you mean: 'bool_'?

And one thing, about 3-Column Vertex Group, it’s sorted by their name. Is there any way to disable this like this native one?

After I edit the ‘np.bool’ to ‘bool’. After I click it, seems the mouse dragging does not work properly even with no error.

I have published a new version with some modifications.

I couldn’t find a solution to the problem of not being able to drag the vertex weight menu with the mouse.
Therefore, the “Allow editing by mouse dragging” option has been deprecated.
I have submitted the following bug report to the Blender developer.

#119831 - Vertex weights menu cannot be operated by mouse dragging - blender - Blender Projects

Lazy Weight Tool ver1.9.9

  • Fixed an issue where the weight table > vertex index display function was not working.
  • Fixed an issue where the operation explanation text was not displayed for the weight adjustment gesture.
  • In Blender 4.1, the function to “Allow editing by mouse dragging” in the weight table function has been abolished.
    • It seems that the problem where values cannot be dragged with the mouse has recurred in Blender 4.1.
    • This feature has been discontinued because it no longer solves the problem.
  • Added [Sort by name] option to 3-column vertex group.
    • If off, the original sort order will be followed.

Good afternoon. Recently installed your plugin. This is probably one of the best plugins to work with weights. Unfortunately I encountered a problem when using the copy weights function. The function of copying weights for components with the same indices does not work. I also tried exporting weights to an external json file and importing it. But unfortunately the weights were never copied. I have tried all the options available in the “Paste Weight” window. I also tried disabling all modifiers and selecting all vertexes. I tried loading the default Blender configuration too.
Unfortunately copying weights for components with the same index doesn’t work.

Both objects were in the same blend file. But they had different Armatures.
Plus they were slightly offset in height relative to each other вut I guess it’s not a problem if we use indices rather than coordinates and projection

Blender 3.6.9

Hey @Bookyakuno - Is Lazy Weight Tool working properly in Blender 4.2 LTS? This is one of my more “mission critical” plugins and I use it in every work project. I’m concerned that there’s as-yet no mention of 4.1, let alone 4.2, compatibility for this plugin on the Blender Market page. Best ~ J

I’ve confirmed that it works with Blender 4.1/4.2, so I’ve updated the version info on the product page.
I only update the version info when I update the add-on itself, so it’s a bit late :sweat:

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Thank you for reporting the bug. Sorry for the late reply.
Fixed an issue where the [All VG] option did not work in the [Index] option of the [Paste Weight] function.

Lazy Weight Tool ver1.9.91

  • The Lazy Weight Tool add-on also works with Blender 4.2.
  • Added the [Add/Subtract Brush Toggle] keymap to “W”.
  • Fixed an issue where the [All VG] option did not work in the [Index] option of the [Paste Weight] function.

Thanks for your speedy reply and the v1.9.91 fixes. I’m grateful that you continue to maintain support for the latest Blender versions!