Lazy Weight Tool

Simplify vertex selection in the Weight Paint and assign numerical weights

Strengthen vertex selection in Weight paint mode mode and sets weight with a fixed number

Like the 3ds Max Weight Paint Tool.



Blender Market



  • Blender2.8
    • Weight Paint Mode → Property Shelf (N key) → Item
  • Blender2.79
    • Weight Paint Mode → Tool Shelf (T key) → Tools


Function Keymap
Pie menu Shift + X
Loop selection Alt + double click left mouse
Loop selection (extended) Alt + Shift + left mouse click
Shortest path selection Ctrl + Shift + left mouse click
Select More Ctrl + Numpad “+”
Select less Ctrl + Numpad “-”
Select Link L

Weight table


Vertex weights and assigned vertex groups can be displayed and edite in a table.

  • Specific vertices can be added or deleted from the vertex group
  • You can change the number of vertices displayed at a time, or scroll.
    • !! If the number of vertices to be displayed at a time is 500 or more, the load of UI display increases and there is a possibility of crash.

Cell highlight

Cell highlight

Highlight specific weight values (Lamp icon).
Highlight of specified numerical value (Match / More / Less).

Numeric Weight

Assign a fixed number of weights to the selected vertex.
More accurate weight setting is possible.

  • Replace / add / subtract options

  • Mirror to X / Y / Z

    • Synchronize with brush symmetry settings
  • Post adjustment of settings

  • Normalization options

    • all
    • Active
    • Do not normalize
    • Selected Pose Bone
    • Deform Pose Bone
    • Two of the pose bones must have a bone selected
  • Normalization “lock active” option

  • Each of the seven values ​​can be set by the user

    • You can change the default value with the leftmost Ⅴ icon
  • Value can be set to brush weight value

    • [•] icon at the top
  • Exclude vertices belonging to locked vertex groups

Simple brush menu

You can easily operate brush-related settings.

  • Displays weight, radius, and strength
  • Switch between smooth or hard brush shapes
  • Switch between mix, add and subtract brushes

Weight related operator menu

You can display the operator menu as in Blender 2.7x.


Vertices can be selected smoothly while still in weight paint mode.

  • More choice
  • Select less
  • Multi-loop selection
  • Edge loop selection
  • Mirror selection
  • Half selection
    • Select the opposite side of the object axis
    • When used with a weight mirror, weight copying to the other side can be easily performed
  • Link selection

Vertex groups that allow regular expression search

A 3-line vertex group search list is displayed side by side.
By default, it is displayed as follows.

  • Left …… " Vertex group not displayed in the center or right"

  • Center …… " Vertex group with .L in line "

  • Right …… " Vertex group with .R "

  • Regular expressions are available

  • Rename can be done with Shift + click

  • [Known bugs] The list will not be scrollable, so there will be a long menu with a large number of vertex groups

Blender 2.79.7 version

Up to add-on ver1.2.1.

Release Note

ver1.6.0 Cell highlight strengthen / mesh selection function the support of the other mode

ver1.5.0 Weight table is now available

ver1.4.0 Numeric setting function

ver1.3.0 Significant improvements to the weight value setting function, Add Vertex Table

Lazy Weight Tool - #10 by Bookyakuno

ver1.2.1 Compatible with Blender2.79


Compatible with Blender 2.79

The menu is in the Tools tab of the tool shelf (T key).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where pie menu weight setting .9 and 1 could not be accessed.
  • Changed the pie menu layout
  • Fixed an issue where more/less selection would not work if the edit mode was not in vertex selection mode

ver1.2.0 Moved the display position of the panel to the item tab. It became possible to change the display location

  • Moved the display position of the panel into the item tab so that it can be displayed in the same place as the “vertex weight” panel
  • You can now change the panel display location in the add-on settings
  • Add “Vertex Group” panel
  • You can now check the vertex group list even in 3D views
  • Added to display key map registered in Add-on setting

ver 1.1 Add pie menu


  • Add pie menu (alt + F)
  • Although the key map setting is also made to “shift G” for myself, it does not work unless disabled because it is subject to the pose mode “shift G” “pose.select_grouped”.
  • Add “Smooth” to the button

This looks incredible useful. Thanks!

1 Like

You’ll add a “rivet” function like in the video too? Any plans for a “bind selected ‘cloth’ mesh” to the main body mesh?

There is no plan.
The 3ds Max videos are intended to show the features of the first half, but I am sorry to make them misunderstood.
I want it too!

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Adding the Smooth weight button might be useful ? or is that built into the Select more and Less?

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In ver1.1, added the “Smooth” button :smile:


Nice thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

ver1.2.1 Compatible with Blender2.79

Compatible with Blender 2.79

The menu is in the “Tools” tab of the tool shelf (T key).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where pie menu weight setting .9 and 1 could not be accessed.
  • Changed the pie menu layout
  • Fixed an issue where more/less selection would not work if the edit mode was not in vertex selection mode
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This small addon really helps me rigging faster! If possible, I’d like to propose some suggestions:

  1. As it currently is, Lazy Weight Tool’s pie menu appears when the mesh object is the only object selected. Please make it still accessible when an armature is also selected, how I think most people do weight painting.
  2. An option to automatically mirror / symmetrize the weight assigned will be helpful, too. For now, I have to paint over manually-assigned vertices with Add 0.0 brush to force value mirroring.
  3. In complex rigs, vertex groups aren’t only used for deform bones, but also to limit mask, lattice, hooks, dynamic paints, etc. An option to limit normalization only to deform bones will help users save time from reassigning values to non-armature vertex groups. For now, I have to constantly remind myself not to assign weight manually through Lazy Weight Tool in areas containing these extra vertex groups, to avoid extra reassignment works.
  4. Options to add / subtract weight by small increments like 0.05 / 0.1 will help, too. Most rigging job I took can’t rely on smoothing values alone, and always involve minute precise tweaks like these, so I have to constantly tweak weight slider and change brush. I imagine additions of Add Weight operators to the right pie menu area, and Subtract ones to the left, will simplify this job tremendously.

Anyway, this addon is very promising and I hope you keep developing it. Thank you!

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ver1.3.0 Significant improvements to the weight value setting function, Add Vertex Table


Numerical value setting function, is now possible to switch between substitution / addition / subtraction, Symmetry, post-adjustment, and normalization.
Added a table that can display vertex weight list.
This feature is still unstable.


Significantly improved numerical value setting function

  • Added replacement / addition / subtraction options
  • Mirrored to X / Y / Z
    • Synchronize with brush symmetry settings
  • Post-adjustment of settings is now possible
  • As an option of normalization, we have to be able to select the “All Active not normalized”

Added vertex weight table (under development)


  • You can set weights by dragging
  • List selected vertices and vertex groups to which the selected vertex is assigned
  • This is unstable because it is under development
  • Blender crashes on objects with many vertices


  • Use custom values ​​that are not brush weight values
  • The weight setting method does not use the existing “set” operator
  • The menu can be collapsed
  • The panel is displayed even when not in weight paint mode.
    • Panel is hidden by default

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that slows down when bones are selected during weight painting and the menu is displayed

I myself thought that the same part should be improved, so I improved it with ver1.3.0.

    1. symmetry
    1. Normalization of active only / Disabling normalization
    1. Numeric settings not related to brush weight

1. The pie menu cannot be used when selecting an armature

This was due to a conflict between the keymap and alt + F of Quaternions Flip (pose.quaternions_flip) in pause mode.
In the future, the pie menu will be overwritten even in pause mode, and it will be corrected by incorporating Quaternions Flip into the pie menu.

4. In the pie menu, add to the right and subtract to the left

Hesitates because the menu is too big.
Please try the button “Replace / Add / Subtract” next to image 0.05 in ver1.3.0.



About symmetry, I actually meant having mirroring weight for BONE.L after assigning manually to BONE.R, which is what we get when weight painting. But this kind of symmetry is one I didn’t realized users will also need!

Yeah, both Alt+F and Shift+G conflicts. Looking at User Preferences > Keymap > Filter by Key-Binding, many other combinations like Shift+X seems vacant. Or better yet (maybe), let user define their own hotkey through User Preferences. Seen many addons do that.

OK, I don’t know what I need. Tried your solution, and it works good enough for my purposes.

I see you used bpy.ops.object operators for these. I think there’s more can be done about this, there seems to be more options, will look into it.

If only mesh object is selected, vertex_group_normalize_all operator’s group_select_mode argument only accepts ALL.

But if an armature is also selected, other options are available:

  • BONE_SELECT: Normalize only selected pose bones,
  • BONE_DEFORM: Normalize all deforming pose bones.

It’s BONE_DEFORM that I meant by point #3 above. LWP already included the ALL option, so maybe you’d like to include them too if an armature is also selected.

Thanks for the add / subtract by increment feature, I already use them extensively for my works!

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Fantastic tool and for the price you cannot get any better, i will buy soon since i will need to do a lot of weighting.

This was so useful in Max.

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I think the Shift + X is good position and easy to press.
Adopt it and change the keymap.


understood. Implement BONE_SELECT / BONE_DEFORM options.
Thank you for that information :smile:

[Lazy Weight Tool] ver1.4.0 Numeric setting function

enhancement, menu addition for operators and extended vertex groups, etc.

Added normalization options to numerical settings. ・ Bug fixes for mirror options, changed pie menu to Shift + X, and added loop selection clicks similar to mesh editing.

Numeric setting

  • User can change each of the 7 values
    • You can change the default value with the leftmost Ⅴ icon
  • Value can be set to brush weight value
    • [●] icon at the top
  • Changed to not work for vertices belonging to locked vertex groups
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue where the mirror option was heavy due to a typographical error.

Added option types for normalization

  • Added “Lock active” option
  • Add only selected bones and only deformed bones
    • Selected Pose Bone
    • Deform Pose Bone
    • These two options require a bone to be selected

Simple brush menu

  • Displays weight, radius, and strength
  • Switch between smooth or hard brush shapes
  • Switch between mix, add and subtract brushes

Weight related operator menu

  • You can display the menu that was in Blender2.7x


  • Add mirror selection
  • Add half selection
    • Select the opposite side of the object axis
    • When used with a weight mirror, weight copying to the other side can be easily performed

Vertex groups that allow regular expression filtering

A 3-line vertex group search list is displayed side by side.
By default, it is displayed as follows.

  • Left row …… “ Vertex group not displayed in the middle row / right business”

  • Center line …… " Vertex group with .L at the end of the line "

  • Right row …… " Vertex group with .R at the end of the line "

  • Regular expressions are available

  • Rename can be done with Shift + click

  • [Known bugs] The list will not be scrollable, so there will be a long menu with a large number of vertex groups

Weight table

  • Added highlight function for specific weight value
    • There is a bug that does not work if the value after the decimal point is fine
  • A little lighter
  • Hide more than 2000 vertices to avoid apparent crash
  • The table function is not stable yet . Crash when selecting at once in box selection etc.


Change pie menu keymap to Shift + X

* Changed the keymap to Shift + X because there was a problem that the pie menu could not be used when selecting an armature

  • It was because there was a conflict between keymap and alt + F of Quaternions Flip (pose.quaternions_flip) in pause mode

Added loop selection and shortest path selection with double mouse click

Loop selection can be selected in the same way as mesh editing with alt + left mouse double click.

function Keymap
Loop selection Alt + double click left mouse
Loop selection (extended) Alt + Shift + left mouse click
Shortest path selection Ctrl + Shift + left mouse click

ver1.5.0 Weight table is now available

Major updates

The alpha weight table function can now be used normally.
Vertex weights and assigned vertex groups can be displayed in a table and edited.
Mainly the weight table function has been improved.

  • Fixed weight table crash
  • Added scroll function
  • Added function to add / delete vertices to vertex group
  • Change the display of only selected vertices to optional
  • Added option to exclude hidden vertices, etc.

Weight table improvements

Vertex weights and assigned vertex groups can be displayed in a table and edited.

Fixed weight table crash

  • Weight table no longer crashes
  • Added a scrolling feature to limit the vertex menu to be displayed at once and avoid crashes
  • It seems that it was due to the load of displaying a large number of menus at once

Added scroll function

  • Scroll number
  • When the number of numbers displayed at a time is 500 or more, a warning is displayed
    • Blender crashes when there are many menus to display at once

Added function to add / delete vertices to vertex group

  • Accessible from the + / - icon

Change the display of only selected vertices to optional

  • You can choose between selected vertices or all vertices

Added option to exclude hidden vertices


  • Separate weight table menu as separate panel
  • Split add-on files and organize them internally

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the keymap could not be edited in the add-on settings

Hi Bookyakuno,
I just purchased this tool because I come from a 3DS Max background so it feels really familiar to me.
I was wondering however if it would be possible to add a copy/paste function for mirroring weights also just like you have in 3DS Max?
Preferably with the ability to mirror based off of vertex selection and a mirror position tolerance.

copy / paste and Mirror Function

At this time, there are no plans to implement those features with this add-on.
Because, a similar feature already exists in the “Weight Paint Tools” add-on developed by JoseConseco.

(I haven’t tried it yet, so I don’t know how useful this is)

OK cool, thanks for the reply!
I have used his hair tool already and its pretty good so I will check this out for sure.