LDL particle binding to the LDL-receptor on a cell membrane

LDL-particles (alias bad cholesterol) transport fat molecules in the blood and deliver them to cells. To do this they have to bind first to specific receptor molecules like the one depicted in the foreground.


This looks cool! I must admit I have no idea what I’m looking at. Any chance you could add some background information on this image?

Awesome! Can you give of a breakdown of how you did this

I imported the LDL-receptor from the protein data bank (rcsb.org) as a *.pdb and converted it into a *.x3d with the scientific software Chimera. Now, thanks to the incredible molecular nodes addon of Brady Johnston, it’s possible to import directly the *.pdb file into Blender.
For the LDL particle and the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane, I modelled some lipid molecules and gave them simple rig to animate their movement. Then I used them as an instance collection for the particle systems of the membrane and the spherical LDL-particle.
I modelled the yellow glycolipids of the membrane with metaballs. I used a box with a principled volume shader to give a sense of liquid medium.

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