Learning blender

Cause, they add a option in preferences that change view from orthographic to perspective and set it as default…
To change this, go to “User Preferences” and then under “Interface” uncheck the “Auto Perspective”. Dont forget to “Save User Settings”. :slight_smile:

Welcome back to Blender… it’s come quite a ways since the 2.49b days. A more modern interface along with a more modern rendering engine are probably the two biggies along with numerous smaller additions, it’s really come a long way in the last few years. Also, CUDA support for NVidia cards is a big bonus too. Blender never quits either, don’t forget to explore the game engine, video editor, motion tracking, etc. Freestyle is a really big recent addtion to Blender too.

And all this for 3 easy payments of $0.00 !

Dang, these are really good! How long have you been sculpting for?

vida_vida, thank you for the info, but I’m afraid it has nothing to do with AP. The reason is, I guesss, maya-style navigation related.

John_L, Thanks man ! I just love blender and I have a lot to learn. For know I keep me focused on Bmesh, cycles, particles and … To be honest I sold my commercial 3d package last year and I have to say I like Blender a lot more. The workflow is just faster and Blender behaves superstable on my PC, really I had only 2 crashes since I’m using 2.6x and higher.

Scotchtapeworm, thanks man ! I’ve been sculpting on and off for several years now…I guess it’s a never ending cycle :slight_smile:


Hi guys,
I’ve found some time to play with this alien bust I’m working on.
Hope you like him so far.


Love it! The design is great, and the expression, too, a very believable creature. There seem to be some some geo issues around the ears that make it look a bit weird. Btw, is this already retopoed?

Thanks again man, glad you like him/her so far!
this bust is for now about getting quick test renders, so I used GUV uv’s and generated a displacement map in Zbrush that I use as a bump in Blender/cycles.
I guess these actors are the ones who are responsible for the bad geo around the ear :wink:


Finally finished - The wall of mailboxes - tutorial.
I’ve learned a ton and I hope I can recall some stuff when needed :rolleyes:


Speedsculpt Doodle:
Sculpted and rendered in blender with a litlle post.


Wow. Great new pieces!
The Alien Bust is a great concept, and sculpt ofcourse.
Mailboxes are spot on as the tutorial! Nice work.
The SpeedSculpt is my favorite, love this piece. This is a Multires sculpt? Nice workflow, thanks on the progress shots.
Have you tried Dyntopo?

Thank you Raden :slight_smile: !! I have touched Dyntopo very briefly in the past…I remember that it was a bit like sculptris.

Jellyfish: another tutorial I kinda finished.
Edit: updated with a new render.


Hi, I’ve started working on another shading tutorial and run into this problem when I try to texture paint with a stencilbrush. The widget that’s holding the image is hidden or…I really don’t know what is happening.


Does anyone have a clue ? Thanks !


Nevermind, I do own a copy of 3dcoat so I’ll use that soft instead.

I had some fun with this guy/scan from ten24.info.


and some more fun with the ten24.info scan.

Slightly less waste of space:


Sweet! I really enjoy your creatures, especially their eye areas that look very believable. But please make a version of it in a more dynamic pose (you know, that venom style- agressive with drool flying everywhere :wink:

Thanks man, glad you enjoy my sculpts. But I’m afraid I have to disappoint you. I never had(have) the intention to make a Venom like one. But thanks for the suggestion.


I just meant the pose really, the tongue reminded me of it :wink:

Suboptimal, yes of course his tongue :).

I changed my mind and placed him back on the shelf where he came from :slight_smile: He seems kinda lost without solid ground.
