My next step in my Blender journey is to get a better understanding of Cycles material nodes. I have a lot of experience using Carrara, so do know the basics of creating materials - just need to get a handle on how the nodes are put together.
In my efforts, I’ve downloaded some Blend files from Blendswap and matrep
- I do know how to append and link materials, but all I get in the nodes editor are straight diffuse and output nodes, when clearly the materials are more complex.
An example is from kindly posted by andyfrommk. See the attached screencaps - in internal render mode, the examples show up well, but in Cycles, not.
Are these not Cycles material examples, although I found them after searching specifically for Cycles mats?
Even so, how would i go about exacting a single example from the collection to take a look at the nodes?
If they are not examples of Cycles mats, can anyone recommend some mats for me to look at?
Hi ikariShinji it was the link to that discussion that set me off on my search. Unfortunately, the screencaps shown are too low definition to read, so I went off to Blendswap. Many of the mats there are described as Cycles, but then have the Internal label. Now I know what to look out for, I’ve downloaded a few and they work just great for what I want. Thanks for the response
Richard …if only! Multiply US$ price by 10, is what I would have to pay, together with a really poor postal service which will guarantee that it never arrives. The joy of living in a “developing nation”. But thanks for the link - next time a friend travels to the States I’ll have him get me a copy:)
Roygee, the BlenderDiplom Cycles Encyclopedia book is available as a download in PDF and ePub formats. I’ve just started going through it, and it’s fairly thorough as far as I’ve gone so far. From what I can tell, it has coverage of just about every node through 2.7x so far.
Also, if you’re a CG Cookie citizen member, the Shader Forge series is really good.
I just finished the Blender Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook (3rd Edition) (Available on Kindle). I don’t think it’s as good as the other two, but it’s a fair introduction to Cycles materials. Some of the materials I think are a bit off, particularly on the bump, but if you don’t know much about doing materials, then it’s a good starting point.