Lego AT-ST

Hello :slight_smile:

This is a model of an AT-ST I used to have as a kid, I used the original dimensions of the LEGO bricks (8mm * 8mm * 9,6mm)
There’s 85 unique pieces used in this (there’s a few extra ones in the image), and by now I know the actual names of most of them


What a flashback, I had this exact set! It was an AT-ST for about 20 minutes, then I took it apart and used it to make custom spaceships like I always did. One of my favorite sets, it had incredible parts that were super useful. Great representation, thanks for the memory :slight_smile:

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Hehe, I’ve got a very similar memory of it, though the AT-ST phase lasted a bit longer :smiley: Thank you!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thanks bart! :smiley:

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