LEGO Crowd Generator (Geometry Nodes)

This is a custom crowd generator I created in Blender. Wanted to make something I could use to fill out large LEGO scenes I rendered. Took about 2 hours to create…easier than I expected, actually. Geometry nodes are so powerful!

There is a bunch of customization:
• Random or Grid distribution
• Random rotation (option to lock to 90° increments)
• Rotation and distribution seeds
• Minimum distance + viewport display % (Random distribution only)
• Hair, torso, and head seeds
• Controllable sliders for hair color and leg color distribution

IN DEVELOPMENT: Random feet + arm rotation

Geo node setup: (I know! It’s spaghetti! lol)


This is such a cool idea. You have a bunch of pre-modeled parts, right?

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Yup. Collections of torsos, heads, hairs, and legs.

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