umm this is not true,
Crystal space has a very special exporter that enables you do do some very powerful things from inside blender.
Crystal space dose not use blender Objects… It ports them to CS factory files before running the walktest.
Cades has done lots of great work for this project, it really is a nice game engine exporter.
I find it just as easy to use as the BGE in most cases, in some even easyer… Like automatic generation of lightmaps, and a true terrain shader system.
on another completely different note/ topic,
I too am looking forward to the Ogre integration with the BGE, it sounds like Snailrose is doing a nice job.
The BGE really needs this to bring it into the 21st century.
I am looking most forward to the material system we where promised, it should allow the non-programmers to use some of the high end GLSL shaders. (which is how it should be, most of the artists I know are not programmers, and most programmers I know, are not artists.)
hopefully someone makes a python script, so we can just hit a button and bake shadows on all our level geometry by giving it a flag of some sort.
CS dose this with a Genmesh or a Thingmesh flag, so after you set the flag you can move your models , lights and level geometry around, and the lightmaps get baked accordingly before the game engine is run.
I hope that we get a particle/emitter system like Crystalspace soon. (yes we can do this with logic bricks, but is a pain in the a$$ )
I hope we get a real first person shooter template like crystalspace has. (the last FPS that did not allow ducking I remember was in the late 1990’s. I never remember one that only had 1 gun…Monsters, NPC’s and other pawn AI logic kind of make a FPS too IMHO.)
I hope we get a Terrain shader system like crystalspace has.
I hope we get a logic brick for mouse movement , CS you get a few different templates if you decide to use CEL, all of which allow customizable mouse movements without scripting.
I hope we get more ways of culling like CS has… portals are quite nice to have.
Unreal tournament 2003-2004 has a great way of hiding things called Anti-portals, which would be nice to have too…
it would be nice to be able to use OGG,MIDI,or MP3’s too…
a improved animated texture/movie player is a must.
constancy between the keyboard and joystick and mouse movements, so we can link them all together with a single OR brick.doing custom bricks for every device makes it very difficult, and time consuming
make the joystick have a default value so it is not “broken by default”
Screen shot logic brick
vehicle , hovercraft, aircraft templates.(I think someone is working on this for the BGE)
a set of logic bricks for a inventory system, that allows you to keep the data between scenes, and also has the ability to save inventory and scene names to disk would be nice too. (See quest actors for crystalspace CEL)
a way point/path node/AI system… (see Crystal CORE game)
well thats it, sorry for the novel.
I bet we see most of what is on my wish list soon, blender and Bullett are getting verry good publicity right now.
I hope it arrtacts more developers for Blender and the BGE…
Right now the BGE is the crown jewel in my plans. mainly because of the logic bricks and the excellent physics. not to mention the ease of having your real time engine integrated into your 3d application.
with CS and the BGE, my future is looking very bright right now 8)