letters welded to a plane

I’m trying to do make a metal plane with letters being extruded or welded to it.
I want the letters to be the same mesh as the plane.
I’ve tried with a displace texture, the displace modifier, and modeling them and attaching them to the plane with shift+F but the results are bad. The displacement techniques require a mesh with massive complexity and even then the edges end up too rough.
And modeling and attaching them with shift+F distorts the plane.

A solution or alternative technique would be appreciated.

imo, make the text, convert to mesh. in edit mode, insert plane. subdivide a number of times. make faces between the letter and the plane to mimic the weld. Use muliple materials for the text faces, the weld faces, and the plane. enjoy.

thanks, the problem is the “make faces between the letter and the plane to mimic the weld” part. I’s so time consuming. There are 353 edges

oh, well then, just wrap a curve around the letters, and make it a bead like a weld with a bevel curve.

or stretch out a metaball.

or just box select all the bottom vertices of the letters and scale them outwards so it looks like they sorta melted into the plane.

Add Text, Tab to Object mode. Alt-C to Curve. Tab back into Edit mode and with all knots UNselected add Bezier Circle. Scale to size and position so Text is central. Tab to Object mode and Alt-C to Mesh. Tab to Edit mode, select the verts of the Text and Extrude, then clean up and close ends.


“or just box select all the bottom vertices of the letters and scale them outwards so it looks like they sorta melted into the plane.”
perfect, thanks