Library override

I can’t figure out how do to a library override on the rig called rig_Manatea_BODY in Python. Anyone?

Screenshot 2024-03-19 085005

Well, I suck at coding and largely have no idea without getting AI to write the code, but for what it’s worth my basic thoughts would be a two step process.

First make the collection override: bpy.ops.object.make_override_library(collection=0 )

then I guess do the same to the armature rig object:

But of course I could be way off and totally wrong.

I’m surprised someone with way more coding knowledge hasn’t replied.

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I’m not sure if you mean the rig only or the whole collection… so this :

is a bit older ; but this :

explicitly mentions collections…

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I guess re the aforementioned BSE answer :

Override the armature object

If you want to override the armature in itself add

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