Hi everyone.
This is my first post on this forum.
Premise: I’m trying to bounce a “spotlight” light beam with a sharp/defined (not soft) light edge on a mirror with as little “roughness” as possible to respect the sharpness of the light beam.
– Blender v.3.3 – I’m using “Cycle” as render engine.
– The “caustic reflective” option is active and on “Light paths” (in the “Render properties” drop-down list) I increased the “glossy” and “total” max bounces.
Result = it doesn’t work, or better: if I increase the roughness of the mirror surface the “bright circle” of the bounced light starts to appear but the more I increase the roughness the more the sharpness/definition of the edge of the bright circle is lost.
To make this problem more evident I activated the principle volume/smoke in the world to highlight the beam of light. Again, volumetric light doesn’t bounce either. However, while doing some tests I noticed that during the render before the final denoising, some white dots of light were forming right in the area where I would like to see the beam bouncing and passing with smoke in the void between the two walls. This gave me a hint that maybe it’s a mirror material/shader issue. I made several attempts but I haven’t solved the problem yet (it’s probably a technical limitation of Blender).
p.s I also tried changing the radius of the light beam but the problem has not yet been solved.
p.s I have seen that some users manage to get the desired result using the LuxCore render engine on Blender. Personally I don’t use it because it has obvious limitations and the support seems very small and limited to me. I would also like to avoid using other programs outside Blender as well.
Last thing: I highlight that in my case/use I am not interested in creating fiction, imitating the final result I would like to obtain, through montages or tricks, because what I would like is to obtain this result because Blender can simulate this optical/physical phenomenon ( without tricks) to make sure that the bounced 3D beam graphically adapts automatically to any animation, film short or other that does not include only a static situation/a single frame. I say this because if I make a montage to “put a patch” on this problem and to get only a static frame, I get away with it. If, on the other hand, I have to make an animation with several frames, it is no longer a question of using a photomontage to temporarily solve this problem, but of having to deal with more complex graphic editing that requires much more time and in some cases a lot of money (eg. After effects etc.).
Some test about it (Screenshot):
Light sharp edge:
Hight roughness:
Low roughness:
Almost nothing roughness:
Best resoult (but edge is not sharp as the original):
Then the perfect result would be a light bounce with sharp circle edge at the right wall and not a blurry and not volumetric light not visible after bouncing into the wall on the left.
The .blend utilized:
Test reflective caustics blender.blend (911.7 KB)
Thank you all for your time.
If I find any solution to this problem I will update you.
– Daniel.