Light Bulb & Socket (AO Render & Wireframe)



its… a lightbulb…

//you used an icosphere for the bulb!?

why not?

you could have made that with a lot less sub devides. 25% of what you have even. and it would have still looked just as smooth.

A good lightbulb is harder than it seems.

Nice try, but too many excess polygons. Try making clear glass, put some detail inside (filament, etc.), and a light source within the bulb (not sure if Blender supports light sources within objects).

Just a question… Does it really matter how much I subdivided it? Did I break a Blender commandment? Jeebus Christ.

Thanks Sam 4 the critiques.

It seems a bit over-subdivided… I doubt that that’s really necessary in this case…


Do not use AO for “just” a lightbulb.
Take a Hemilight, a Spotlight with only shadow, a sunlight and a light inside the bulb if you want.
Then the next important thing is the glass material. use Raytracing! use Transparency and so on!

yes. and some details inside the bulb won’t be wrong :smiley:

a lot to do :wink:

You asked for C&C. Those you received were quite mild and very helpful.
Your suggestion that they reflect some kind of sectarism special to Blender is off the mark : in most situations in life, simpler is better. Not always but in that particular case the simpler solution was too obvious to neglect.

Frankly, I can’t quite figure out how you proceeded to model your bulb. My own reflex for modeling one would be to use a simple spin.

The reason that you should try and limit the polys is to speed up rendering. If you were to add a lot to that scene and everything had a ton of polys it would take way too much time to render. here is a very rough demonstation of a lower sub devided mesh that still looks nice and smooth.
and here is the wire.

you forgot the screws that hold it into the roof and the color white is black in places but its good

hey i dunno if it’s been mentioned, but it looks a bit too subdivided.

So does subdivison take away from the overall look? Or is it just lengthy rendering times?

In a scene like this you can have as many polys as you like, as subdivided as you like, in as odd a mesh as you like. You’re rendering a lightbulb. Not especially complex. Now, if I tried to model the watch I’m currently working on with that many verts that highly subdivided, it would take forever and a damned half to render. This is a good render. I like it. Simply that your techniques are limited due to the fact that in a more complex mesh they will not suffice. Not only will the render times be astronomical, the more verts the more chance for error - you’ll need to keep the number of verts as low as possible to be able to manage errors and keep the mesh clean.

So, I suppose people are really just saying that there are better ways to do what you’re doing, and that it will only work for the time being - when you start making bigger and better models you’ll become quickly frustrated if you don’t keep it simple.

See! Now that was all I needed to know. I’m new to Blender, and new to 3D modeling all together. I just started a few months ago, and I don’t get to do it as often as I’d like. So thanks for letting me know.

Good start to your blending. I look forward to more work. Sometimes folks on Elysiun have a habit of yelping about your problems without explaining why it is a problem. Glad I could clarify. Just keep asking questions.