So I decided to start a long term project that I would continuously create models for over the course of my modeling education until I decided it was good enough to be “finished”. The project is my bedroom (with some slight alterations). The first thing I started with was my bedside lamp. Right away I ran into a problem, and I’m glad I did because that’s what makes this a learning experience.
So the problem is that when I was making a light bulb I couldn’t figure out how to get an edge to spire around the metallic part where the light bulb would normally screw in. I realize I probably won’t actually use this part in my model but I figure it’d still be a good thing to know. If anyone knows how this is done, or has seen a tutorial on making light bulbs and could link me to it, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you could do it with a curve and a bevel. but learning the screw function as RJ suggested is a good idea too.
Just because I don’t want you to get discouraged, you might want to consider modeling less detail to begin with so you can see some “progress”. i.e., just model the lampshade and put a lamp inside. worry about the bulb and screwy thingy and switch and cord later.
Thanks for your replies thus far. I don’t fully understand the screw function yet. So I decided to take the easier path and keep on modeling other parts of the lamp. Wasn’t long before problem number 2 arose. This one I really have no idea what went wrong. When I subsurf’d the fancy top part of the lamp shade this happened:
I have NO idea what happened. I tried deleting the sub surf and adding a new one but those weird edges are still there. I can’t seem to get it so it’s just a cylinder on the bottom, and I’ve only just now noticed the edges about half way up. Anyone have any ideas?
I’ve tried removing doubles, and it’s only one mesh started with a cylinder then extruded and few times. As you can tell the cylinder had 8 vertices… That IS what you meant by separate mesh right?
It it isn’t doubled up vertices, then its probably that you pressed “Set smooth” in edit mode when all of the vertices were NOT selected. Failing that you have applied a subsurf, and use CTRL + E to sharpen some vertices, but not all the ones you wanted.
well i did a screw top on a bottle maybe it will help i just extruded a circle a few times and the selected the two loops i wanted to look screwed the sized them out a little and tilted them