Light Cycle (5th Generation)

Well the Title speaks for itself, i am making the 5th generation Light Cycle as shown in the Tron Legacy movie. After this i also want to do the 2nd generation one and the Light Runner but not sure if i will…

Anyway, so here is what i got so far…


I like it! Very good topology too. Can’t wait to see how it turns out

Glad to hear that.
Topology is ok, this is a rough “sketch” to get the overall shape ready.

So i realized that the “blueprints” (got them form this thread, tvm ColeHarris) are actually of the Comic-Con proof of concept trailer. And the “real” 5th generation cycles are slightly different in Tron Legacy.
So i started over using 2 perspective images of the “new” cycles…top + side… and this is what i got so far.
I am planning on using this with the original .blend file i still have, and just merge them. Hopefully that will work.


Did some more modeling from the 2 reference images. I even added the rider :slight_smile:


So this is what i am merging now…


Well I have successfully made the front. Yay!!!

I found this cool tron skateboard while searching for references, take a look…


So I decided to take a break from the cycle and made the baton.


You’ve been making good progress today (I’ve been watching), keep going, it’s beginning to come alive!

It’s looking really good! I really like the colors on the front part in the last image of the light cycle.

Baton Finished! (1080p Render)

What do you guys think?

Well the back proved challenging, especially the side air brake part, where the guys leg is blocking the side of the bike, and it is is black so hard to distinguish what is going on there…grrr…
So this is my interpretation of what is going on there, after looking at like a thousand reference images…and some videos…

Oh i do realize that the air brake part consists of the casing and the air brake itself, ill fix that later (right now they are merged together).

Sigh now for the middle…

BTW, does anyone know how inside is made, i mean the part where his but is, between the seat and the back support thing/side air brake. I could not really find any references so i am going to have to make that part up, but if anyone knows the construction please do tell.


Wow…this is really going to look nice in a scene :slight_smile:
Keep it up dude!

Ops…Dobble post, sorry, must be my bad ionternet connection.

Well i made the engine…
So hard to keep motivated when you hit the hard parts…


Hi there I am loving your Light cycle work, top marks :slight_smile:

I was wondering what are you using as refernece material? do you have any blueprint drawings? I to am trying to build one in 3DS MAX but I am having a hard time finding blueprints, so I am working from all the pics I can find on the web.

Read post number 3 :slight_smile:
I am using that one, then if you have been reading what i wrote, i mentioned i am using 2 perspectives(well not anymore) cuz the blueprint was the Comicon Version. and a whole lot of images from google (like 30/40, well that is how much i have i use some of those) Reason being i want to make this as accurate as possible.

Good luck with Max, but why dont you use blender? :slight_smile:

Oops I must have skimmed over that, but anyway I have now found the picture you pointed out, thanks :slight_smile:
I tried blender once before and really didn’t like it’s UI so I tried Max and found it much easier to use so I bought that.

Have you tried 2.5 ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, DDD, the model is becomming prety neat :slight_smile: Keep it up! Do you plan to texture it?

I know this is asking a bit but if you ever want to give a blend file out i would really like to make a game with this…I’ve just found a Really sweet way to make racing game and almost modeled a light bike until i actually looked at the bike and saw that it would take to long…so if you feel inclined to give out a blend please shoot me a PM or somthing…


Thanks guys for for the positive remarks!

@Danis_S Well i would if i could texture it, meaning it is like a car paint, there isnt a whole lot to texture :slight_smile:
But the things like the seat or the display will be.