I don’t know, I don’t use them. Maybe Octane or Redshift, not sure. If you’re in a rush, the obvious workaround is to use several view layers and composite them.
Depending on how your scene is built, would it work if you were to limit the max distance of the light instead?
(add this setup in the light’s material)
These may have what you need. He does talk about the need for light linking in blender.
What about making a light group for the light that is effecting the logo, look at the light group tutorial to do this. Then make a cryptomatte. Add a Mix Node and set it to Multiple. Use the Cryptomatte to separate the Logo and plug it into the top input on the Mix Node and the Light Group into the bottom input. This isn’t perfect.
but when layers mixed later in photoshop ,
it is float not real
no relation between elements like all models in one scene ,
so what is the solution here ?
with these two restriction toggles you can control if the conten of collections e.g. are only casting shadows in a view layer, but the mesh itself is invisible.
I am long-time Octane user. I definitely recommend against trying to rush into a different renderer if you are under a deadline. There’s a lot involved with a different render.