I put a picture of the render and the material shade viewport. After that the two node setups that make up the body of this cow calf animal. The eyes I am not immediately concerned about.
no matter what lighting is applied the dark fur remains black and does not accept any light at all.
I also need the areas around the hooves nose and eyes to show through from the “RSfeel” texture image which I have begun to paint as you can see. I know the groom needs work. I have been very focused on animation in the background and am not sure what to do from here. I really want the fur to shine.
In the 4th photo I added texture coordinate and mapping to the texture images and the fur accepts the light but there is not pattern as I had painted it to be. I put the coordinate of the mesh and the object CalfBody and there was a worse pattern with random blotches of dark area that were in the wrong places.
Hello again, @Pineped! Part of me wants to just recommend that you read the entire shader nodes portion of the manual (https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/render/shader_nodes/index.html), but that doesn’t immediately fix your issues. Perhaps the biggest issue I see stems from your use of the Material Output node. Per the manual:
Although you can add more than one, only one will be used (indicated by a colored or darkened header).
Ergo, your RSFur.002 is only using the single Sheen BSDF to contribute to both its Surface and Volume shading.
I really appreciate your willingness to try by yourself to get this working the way you expect it to work, but I don’t want you to end up frustrated when everything you try isn’t working. I am positive that there are comprehensive animal modeling, texturing, shading, rigging, and animating tutorial series on YouTube (or the Blender Cloud), and that might be best way to see what is considered “right”. If I can find one that looks good, I’ll drop a link here with a timestamp that covers shading/texturing.