Lightgroups, Shadow Catcher, Render Layer & Visibility override with Cycles in Blender 2.8

Hey guys,

SW here from the VFX field.
I’ve been testing Blender 2.8 for a few weeks for personal interest.
Here’s a simple quick example of what I’m trying to achieve with Cycles ( see images below )

Wondering if anyone can point me to any documentations about Lightgroups / Per Light AOVs and render visibility override.

If these features are not yet included in Blender 2.8.
It’d be great to have these features in the roadmap.


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The features are all there, but documentation for 2.8 seems to be WIP.

Basically you want to put lights and objects on different view layers. View layers (can be created in the top-right corner and objects, including lamps, can be assigned to collections which in turn can be assigned to to view layers. View layers can be rendered separately (like the render layers in 2.7). To do visibility override for your Suzanne, I believe you have to duplicate the object (probably preferably with the mesh just linked), then you can configure ‘Ray Visibility’ in the Object tab of the Properties view.

It doesn’t work much differently than in 2.7, except that Collections have replaced Scene Layers and View Layers have replaced Render Layers. Here is a little bit of info on the change:

The docs for 2.7 are there:

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Thanks for these info omgold!