Lighting disappears after compiling shaders

Hi! I hope I’m making the post right. I’m a beginner in Blender and having some issues rendering properly.
After compiling shaders or adding nodes to my node setup, my lighting disappears in both the rendered viewport setting and in the actual render itself.

Before adding a bump node lighting is shown but afterward it looks like this:

I’ve been using Blender for a few months now and this has never happened before. Any advice would be appreciated!
I am using an Intel Iris XE Graphics card and the latest driver

You need to give more information about it for us to be able to help you. There are lots of things that could be the reason for your problem and it’s simply not possible to guess based on the information provided here.

We must see your light settings and everything else that could influence on the problem, besides the shader, cause that’s probably not the culprit. Does the problem disappear if you remove again the bump node?


Can you share your .blend file?

Hi! I actually figured out what the issue was.
For some reason compiling or changing shaders causes the Shadow setting on my lights to toggle on or off, which gives the appearance of no lighting or some kind of rendering bug.
I was worried it was a hardware problem but it just changed that. Not super sure why but it’s fixable so that’s good! Thank you for helping.