Lighting experiment with Knight and pawn

In this render i used only knight(horse) & Bishop with Lighting…purpose was to make knight look as dark & little Mysterious and little dominant with lighting… i need review about that if my Lighting is really tell the story…
Just want to be ensured!!

Well, the scene is seriously underexposed. I really can’t see the front of the knight at all. The distant pawn is a few blobs.

When you’re lighting a scene (in CG, or in real photography), you need to start by establishing overall exposure to illuminate the entire scene with the light-level that you’ll call “darkness.” (What Ansel Adams would call “Zone 3.”) This is to prevent anything from going opaque-black and thus disappearing.) Then, illuminate the main objects – such as the white pawn and the distant one – to midrange (“Zone 5”). Finally, inject highlights to taste, such as the rim-light you now have.

What the eye really sees are relative light levels. The absolute difference between the bright areas and the dark areas of a well-exposed picture are actually very compressed, due to the nature of the various media. Your television screen, when you turn the set off, reveals itself to be gray. Yet, you see the title-bar at the top of this page as “black, and white.” That background isn’t truly black; those letters are not truly white. If other colors sat next to them or in-between them, they’d look different to your eyes!

The histogram tool needs to guide this process, and Blender’s OpenGL Preview renders are actually good enough at this to avoid a lot of renders. The histogram curve should be basically bell-shaped, with a spike near zero=black. It ought not have a spike at max=blown-out-white. (I encourage you to read about Ansel Adams’ “Zone System,” which is intuitive and easily digestible although it is based on film – subtractive color. The cncepts and reasoning still apply, even to video.)

Blender also provides a “spot meter” where you can point to any location on the scene and measure the light. Professional photographers (still) rely on these light-meters and histograms for these same reasons. Your eyes can be fooled, especially when you’ve been looking at the same image for a very long time, but objective measures like these are reliable.

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completely agree with your points and very helpful info…Thank you for that… i also did studied few things lately and render out further… let me show u other render

in this render i wanted to make knight bit dominant, anger, little mysterious

Game of Queens…cinematic Lighting