Lighting the inside of an object

HI folks, I am just getting started with Blender and was wondering if someone could help me out!

I am trying to create a simple lamp but am having trouble getting the lighting correct. I have a point light set inside of the shade that is illuminating the outside of the mesh but not the inside. Notice how the inside of the lamp looks dark. Does anybody know how to remedy this?


I guess it’s rather a question of material, what is your node setup for the lampshade? Maybe share your file…

Thanks for the reply, the forum wouldn’t let me attach two pictures in the initial post so here is the node set up:

ok so I’m not sure what you’re trying to do with the Layer Weight, instead, plug a Diffuse. A Translucent alone won’t work fine in my opinion

Okay thanks Ill give it a shot. The layer weight, etc. was an attempt at adding some darkness to the edges of the shade that I saw in a forum elsewhere. It isn’t really doing much though.

you should plug the Layer Weight in the factor of the Mix Shader, not sure that’s the right tool for what you want though…

Yeah you are right just something I was experimenting with. Here is what I am trying to re-create:

The shade is illuminated both inside and out where mine is acting more like an emission from only the outside even through the point light is within the shade.

Yes, so a mix between translucent and diffuse seems like the way to go, and you’ll have your gradient effect by the way

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Ah yes you’re a lifesaver! Thank you!

you could also try to mix with a bit of transparency (put a second Mix Shader before the Material Output)

Cool I’ll give that a go as well. Thanks alot!

While the physically correct way would be diffuse and translucency mixed, with a lightsource inside, translucency creates indirect illumination which may take longer to get clean results from. Here is how I do this effect - in this case I’m using math nodes, but you could bake out the actual result and use images instead. That turns it into a direct light source which renders faster. You may want two textures; one for the inside and one for the outside.