Lightlinking 4.0

I’ve tried light linking on volume and it works unexpectedly. Volume light disappears when linked object is on.
Can anybody try it?

Second point:
Adding an object to Lightlinking window of a light.
States are Incude/Exclude but when I include the object, all other objects are excluded. Is it logical?


Yes this is how it works.
When you make a light linking group for a light and put an object in it set to include that is the only object that will be lit by that light. You have to add the other objects to the group for the light to effect them. (you can also add collections).

From the manual:

If only included objects are specified, the light only affects those objects.

If only excluded objects are specified, the light affects all objects in the scene except those specified.

If both included and excluded objects are specified, the light affects only included objects minus the excluded objects. This can be used to for example set a character collection to be included, and then exclude specific objects part of the character.

I do not quite understand the volume question but I suspect it is related.

Here I have 2 point lamps.
The Blue point lamp lights the volume (volume Cube), the cube and the plane. (it will not light anything else)

The red light does not light the volume cube (it is set to exclude) but it does light everything else.

If volume can be treated as a light that is the question. I inserted an object in Lightlinking of Volume, but it seems not working as expected I mean as a light.

You mean volume with an emission value?

Maybe not I will check.

Yes, volume emitting light.

Ok I checked I get the same as you, it does not work.

When set to include it does not light when set to exclude it lights everything as if there was not light group.

I found a sort of workaround, use an emission shader mixed with a transparent shader with fac lightpath is camera ray.

So the surface emission shader lights the scene.
To see the emission of the volume it’s self you need to add the volume object to its own (selfs) light group.

It looks like only surface emission shaders work with light linking.

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Do you know maybe why when I start a clean scene the lightlinking is not there on the right side menu? In other scene from 3.6 it is there.

There was no light linking in 3.6 it is a new feaqture in 4.0.

I know, but when I start 4.0 I cannot see linking panels and when I load 3.6 scene they are there

Not sure what you mean.

Light linking panels are in the shading dropdown of the object menu. 3.6 did not have them.

No lightlinking in the starting scene, no shading menu as well in 4.0

I get the light linking panels always in 4.0, startup scene and if I open an old scene from 3.6 (or older).

The only thing I can think of is some addon that is getting in the way.

Loading 3.6 scene gives me the shading panel

and creating a new scene does not?

New scene no shading tab

Try disabling addons.
Hmm or it is a bug in the version you downloaded .

I get the shading tab.

Also I notice the motion blur tab is missing in your screenshot (it should be under motion paths and before shading)

There is no motion blur as well… I will reinstall.

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Yes I was writing that when you posted.

this is the release I am using


Do you think loading a scene of 3.6 in 4.0 should be resulting in perfectly same rendering? I have some doubts after trying so. No changes made and the render looks much different at some materials at least.

AGX is now the default colour management, that does change the result, you can set it to filmic if you want in the render properteis colour management tab, although I think for old files it should be set automatically.