Lilithe Classica - Rigged Character

De Los Muertos

With a Violet Dress

Lilithe (pronounced lee-lee-thah) Classica is a rigged character, based on earlier works. The rig is 100% self-made, and features advanced setups for shoulders, ankles, knees, elbows, hands (fingers), feet (toes), hips, and abdomen. I have made a long series of advanced tutorials covering the basic setup.

See the whole series here:

An example tutorial:

If you would like to discuss this and my other characters, or such advanced rigging concepts, please join us on the Discord! Message me privately for an invite.

A couple more renders:

Thanks for checking it out!

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Actually, here are some workspace views, that show other angles besides the camera angle.

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Awesome! Congratulations.

I am making sure she can do the most extreme poses that look not too difficult for a real human to achieve.


Here is a dark, scary version.