Line art greasepencil vs Alan Wyatt line art

Can someone tell me the difference between greasepencil line art and

Which seams to have different strokes.
Or am i mistaken.

the modifier just generates gp strokes by taking an object or collection and generates an outline around it instead of drawing them yourself. the generated strokes then behave like normal strokes, you can apply the modifier and edit the strokes or use other GP modifiers and fx to smooth/randomize/resample them etc…

Sorry, I misunderstood the question. The line art in the video seems to be a geonode group that automatically generates curves from the outlines of your mesh. It seems to have more options for tapering the strokes based on perspective and stuff. Looks pretty cool actually.

GP Line Art modifier has a lot of more settings exposed to define generation of GP strokes as data of a GP Layer of a GP object.
According to chosen settings, generation may be faster or slower, may concern more or less edge types, may take into account occlusions, intersections or not, may merge lines in different ways, may inherit weight groups from meshes used for generation.

You will stylize those strokes by adding other GP modifiers.

The Line Art Curve modifier from video, looks like a simplified more automated version generating shadeless curve objects.
It looks like stylization will pass though UV textures or using other GN modifiers.

One target of GP3, that should happen in Blender 4.x series, is to make Geometry Nodes usable for GP objects.
GP Line Art modifier should be simplified in future. And we should end up with a mix of best of both worlds.

Oke I found out Art Liner from the video has a more creative brush:

Geonodes Line art modifier
And the greasepencil Line Art looks more like an even line:

Or can you get the same result with the GP line art modifier? I find the first one better which is not the greasepencil modifier . Its more artistic brush in my opinion

Just wonder why line art slows down my computer.

Around the 1 min mark, you’ll how to manage using the modifier vs speed.

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as @zeauro said. When grease pencil 3 comes out, this should be easily doable. Until now that alan wyatt thing is the only way to do line radius based on perspective and curve endpoints. As far as I know. I’d like to be corrected

Its not the render which is slow but changing the line art option slows down the computer.

I’m aware; this is specifically covered in the video, as I mentioned when I posted it.

As I said, Line Art modifier role is to generate the lines. But then, you can use other GP modifiers to stylize them.
To vary thickness of strokes, you can use a Thickness modifier.
Thickness is a data stored in GP points. So, you have to subdivide strokes, by adding a Subdivide modifier, first.

You can multiply strokes, add offset, noise, vary color, etc…

You can obtain different styles by trying different GP modifiers combinations.


Because its to slow since I have added the greasepencil modifier collection outliner,
I could not get the animation.
But this looks fine

Thanks for all the support