How do I expand a line (edge) into a rectangle?
I’m trying to make a house completely from scratch (I struggle with addons).
How do I expand a line (edge) into a rectangle?
I’m trying to make a house completely from scratch (I struggle with addons).
Are you new to 3D modeling? You can make a simple low-poly house of primitives without any add-ons And extrude this edge along X axis, with E + X, to make it a rectangle.
Use Knife tool, if you need them straight use the Loop-cut tool and move the edge.
The Extrude tool might also come as handy.
Lol! No. Is there a way to extrude it outward from the center evenly?
I want to turn this…
Next time don’t hesitate to give all necessary info at once. Solidify modifier with offset set to zero does the job.
Lol! Sorry. I thought the video would be enough. Thanks. I’ll give it a shot.
I’m not particularly fond of the results…
I was hoping it would be a face instead of multiple edges.
I’m not exactly sure what you want to get, but you can try to set the solidify modifier to Complex mode and thickness to Even. You might want to play with normal direction of some faces if it gives unwanted results. Or use offset set to 0.
If you want to use curves, use Extrude under Geometry. Then add the solidify modifier as described before.
Here’s a sample file with both options.
walls.blend (801.9 KB)
Many MANY thanks. You’re awesome.