Link-copy objects?

Hi! How can I “link copy” a suzanne with an ocean modifier? Neither Shift + D or Alt + D seems to work for the sliders in the modifier menu for the ocean plane.

Shift D does not link anything.
Alt D links Mesh and Material but not modifiers.

Only Geometry Nodes modifiers can act like if they were linked, at condition to change values in nodetree.

But multi-object editing is supported for modifiers at condition that modifiers have same name.
So, if you press Alt key while modifying a setting of a modifier, all modifiers with same name on objects of selection will be changed the same way.


I don’t even know what that means…

:thinking: … adding an existing ocean modifier from another object to an existing suzanne ?? There was/is this copy modifier to all selected (or something like that) “trick”…

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Are you looking for Shift+M ?

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I learn something everyday in this forum!


You can also use a driver to control modifier values, right click the value in the one you want to be the controller and choose copy as new driver.
Then right click the value in the modifier of the one want to “be slave” and “paste as new driver”

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thx for answers.

I was looking for alt + d, “Linked Duplicates” according to blender docs.
Actually, it does work, but for whatever reason only in editing mode, not when you change dimensions over the n-menu.

Just in case someone else is looking for it.