Link - The Legend of Zelda Fanart

This is my latest personal project I did. It’s Link from The Legend of Zelda game series.

I started in Maya with modeling and posing this character, used Substance Painter for texturing and finally switched to Blender for the shading, lighting, rendering and compositing.

The character bases on a concept by Alvaro Vera.

I hope you like the result and I am always grateful for every critique or comment. :slight_smile:


Nice work! Could easily see this model be used in a 3d remake of one of the old classic games. :slightly_smiling_face:

nice work !!!
liked the details !!!

Looks good. It’s pretty good to the concept you were basing it on.
I feel the shading and rendering is what really brings it to life.

Personally, I would try to take some creative liberty with the model and concept.
Mainly, the thickness of the facial skin. Lips, and the eyelids (didn’t make the eyelids thicker on the paintover). I feel they are way too thin.
It’s a style I understand, but personally never felt it read very well.

Another one is the nose, I feel it wouldn’t hurt to get a hint of some definition in there (I probably went overboard on the paintover). Same with the overall shape of the eyes.

Here’s a quick paintover. Hope you don’t mind me bastardizing it :beers:

@ArtAvenue Thank you very much :slight_smile: And I would really appreciate that :smiley:

@alf0 Thank you very much for the kind words :wink:

@0rAngE Thanks for the critique and the overpainting!
I see what you are going for. The edges you brought up are way too thin actually, I will keep that in mind for my next character. I also struggled with the shape of the nose because I wanted to stick close to the concept but in the end it looks really nice in the 2d concept but doesn’t work so well in 3d. I should have tried out more I guess. Maybe just breaking the perfect spherical shape a little bit would have already improved it.
Anyway, thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it and I’ll consider it in my next projects! :upside_down_face:


I featured you on BlenderNation, enjoy :slight_smile:

The nose looks a little bit off like a cap on his face, but only from certain angles. Other than that, very cool! Been wanting to do my own Zelda scene for a while. I love this.

Wow, thanks @bartv! I really appreciate that. Also a great collection of artworks you gathered there. Kudos to all the artists. :confetti_ball:

@robheath Thank you very much :slight_smile: . I would love to see your Zelda artwork!

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