Linked collection bug (UPBGE)

If I link any collection to any UPBGE scene, scale it up to gigantic proportions (example: a sea), and then press P, the object will default or “snap” back to a much smaller size. If the object was moved, the transformations will also default, or “snap” back to their original positions.

This appears to be a bug I have found, but this only ever occurs with linked collections that are instanced. It does not occur with collections that are not instanced.

Tested using UPBGE on macOS 12.5.1. No way to check if it happens in 0.4.1 because there is currently no macOS version of UPBGE 0.4.1 available.

Can anyone please tell me how to link collections without them running into this bug, and maybe how this bug may be occurring?

Here are the steps to reproduce:

  1. Start UPBGE, and make a simple object with any modifier on it.

  2. Save, then start a new scene and link the object. Scale it up as big as possible (e.g: 100+ in all dimensions), and move or rotate it.

  3. Press P. The object should snap back to the original dimensions and location.

Possible reason why this occurs:

  • Because UPBGE could be trying to load the linked library at game start, it thinks the linked collection should remain at it’s original location, rotation and scaling when the user linked it, even though he made it an instance (instances can be moved, rotated and scaled). Therefore, these user-made changes aren’t taken into account when the user links the collection and then changes the aspects beyond a certain threshold, thus treating it as a “non-instanced” type of collection, which appears to be a bug, especially with modifiers enabled on the object.

This breaks open-world design.