Linked objects, use different UV maps

Two objects have the same shape, so I want to use linked data. But I want to use different materials. Actually, the two materials use the same image texture, but I want to show different parts of the texture.

But it seems that the UV maps of the two objects are somehow linked. If I move the UV map of one, the other moves too. How can I unlink the UV maps?

test1.blend (170.6 KB)

If you want to use two different materials, you have to use a different mapping in each one.
You can create several UVmaps and use a different one in each material.
You just need to use UV Map node in materials.

But you can also keep same material and same UVmap, by modifying mapping in material or with a modifier.

You can use a Mix node as a switch between two possible mappings for texture, and use Object Index as factor of Mix node.

So, you can include as many mappings as you want in material, and use Pass Index value in Object properties to change mapping.
You can also use same principle with a custom property used as an attribute.

Or you can simply add an UVWarp modifier.
Or you can also try to mimic that, using geometry nodes.

UV data is linked to mesh data so UVs are shared by linked objects.
But you can have more than one UV map.
Also, by default, materials are assigned to mesh data and not objects, but this can be changed in the properties panel.

These spheres are linked copies, their shared geometry have two different UVMaps (1).
Then there are two different materials each one reading a different UVMap (2).
When assigning materials, we have to change the assignmet from mesh data to object (3).
That way the mesh data is shared but with different material by object.

Linked objects UVs.blend (149.8 KB)